over the past decade...

Earned Wage Access has become a well-respected, sought-after, innovation in the payroll space

By challenging the traditional structure of biweekly, semi-monthly, and monthly pay, EWA has proven that it benefits both the employee and employer.

More and more employers realize that by offering Earned Wage Access, it’s easier to attract and retain workers that are confident and productive at work, because they feel good about their finances.

For employees, the increase in financial resilience and flexibility leads to a decrease in financial stress and more loyalty to their job.

Traditional workplaces can now compete with the gig economy with Earned Wage Access and other benefits that enhance the well-being of their workforce.


Of those companies that have already added earned wage access to their compensation packages, 89% of employees reported feeling more motivated and productive at work when they had access to their wages before payday and 74% reported having fewer unplanned absences